Spaying or neutering your pet is very important. Not only will you prevent unwanted kittens or puppies, you will also reduce their risk of certain cancers, infections, and illnesses. Pets that are spayed or neutered also typically have a longer lifespan, especially if they are indoor pets. Take a look at these reasons why you should make an appointment to spay or neuter your pet ASAP.
Don’t Contribute to the Homeless Pet Epidemic
There are thousands of homeless pets in every state, and there are not enough safe, loving homes to accommodate all of them. If your pet isn’t spayed or neutered, there is a high risk they will get pregnant or get another animal pregnant, contributing to the incidences of homeless pets in your community. This taxes the community’s resources, increases the amount of stray animals on the streets, and takes an emotional toll.
Avoid Unwanted Pet Behavior
Pets that aren’t spayed or neutered may display unwanted behavior. Male cats and dogs will spray inside and outside the home to mark their territory. Female cats will also spray, and will yowl constantly to attract a mate. Male dogs will try to mount or hump human legs, other animals, and inanimate objects. Spaying or neutering your pet will curb unwanted behaviors and reduce the risk of them becoming permanent.
Extend Your Pet’s Life Span
When you spay or neuter your pet, you reduce their risk of certain illnesses and diseases. Female pets will be at a lower risk of uterine infections, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. Male pets will be at a lower risk of testicular cancer.
Prevent Roaming
Cats and dogs may try to escape your home to find a mate. They can walk for miles and eventually get lost. They are also at risk of developing dehydration, heat illness, injury, and illness. They could get hit by a car or taken in by an animal shelter or new family. Not only that, but they may also get into fights with other animals.
Call your veterinarian today to schedule an appointment to have your pet spayed or neutered.