Mon–Thurs: 8–6pm
Fri: 9–5pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

4360 E Snider Dr.
Wasilla, AK 99654

Lazy Cat Hacks: How To Get Your Cat Active and Engaged  

As a cat owner, you know that cats tend to nap–a lot. Perhaps as a kitten, your feline companion was slightly more rowdy, but now with age, they have settled into a life of snoozing and lounging. While this is mostly normal for cats, it’s important to ensure your cat still receives at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. If you struggle to get your cat up and moving, we’re here to help!

Why It’s Important

Before we dive into how you can get your lazy cat active and engaged, it’s important to understand why exercise is essential to your pet. Exercise contributes two core benefits to your cat, including physical and mental stimulation. Play time is the key to burning calories and keeping your cat safe from health conditions associated with weight gain, including obesity, diabetes, and arthritis. In addition, exercise contributes to your cat’s mental well-being by keeping them mentally stimulated to deter boredom, destructive behaviors, depression, and other concerns.

Ways To Get Your Cat More Exercise

Unlike dogs, cats tend to be hard to get active. While some cats do enjoy a leash and outdoor walk, that may not always be possible. Fortunately, toys and home play-time are more than enough to get your cat active and engaged. Interactive cat toys, including battery-operated toys or treat puzzles, are an excellent way to get your cat moving without your help. However, if your cat loses interest in these kinds of toys, you may opt for a cat tree. Cat trees allow your cat to engage in their natural instincts, creating a safe space for them to scratch, climb, and stretch. If you’re looking for a way to play with your cat and bond, consider wand toys. Wand toys may include a string with a mouse or feather on the end. These are a great way to spend quality time with your pet while keeping them healthy and happy.

For more information on keeping your pet healthy, happy, and active contact your trusted veterinarian today.