In order to minimize your waiting time, we work on an appointment schedule. While walk-ins are welcome, we prefer that you make an appointment so that we may set aside appropriate time to assess your medical needs.
Normally, appointments are scheduled from 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM, and again from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Please let the front desk staff know all of your concerns so they may adequately schedule the doctor’s time. Problems that seem minor can sometimes require timely diagnostics. Also, if you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know 24 hours in advance, or as soon as possible. This way we can offer that appointment time to another patient, who may desperately need it.
Surgical patients are checked in by a doctor between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM on the morning of service. Please allow time for the doctor to examine your pet and discuss pre-surgical options with you. If a quick drop-off the morning of is required, please discuss these options at the pre-surgical appointment. Blood work, radiographs, pain medication, fluids, or other treatments may be required. We schedule routine surgical and dental appointments Monday thru Friday.
Daytime emergencies will be handled as proficiently as possible. Patients are triaged upon arrival, and emergent cases will be given priority. We hope you understand when an emergency disrupts our schedule we are providing necessary care to a critical patient. Were your pet in a critical situation, precedence would be provided to him or her. When serious delays occur we will attempt to contact you prior to your appointment to reschedule.
While we may be able to accommodate walk-in appointments, there could be a significant wait time. Scheduled appointments take precedence over walk-in appointments. We will do our best to see your pet as soon as we can, but it may take hours. We may even advise you to go to an emergency clinic.
We have the right to refuse service for any reason.